Getting to know the workspace and fonts/Creating a simple report cover,
Using the toolbox/Using color,
Drawing and editing objects/Creating a greeting card,
Using photographs in a motivational poster,
Using a template to create a multi-page newsletter,
Bitmap and vector effects,
Letterhead and data merge,
Creating a three-panel brochure for a student business,
Slideshow presentation,
Using scripts and macros to create a calendar,
Exporting & Finalizing Your Work
Advertisement Designing Projects
Logo Designing
Banner Designing
Hoarding Designing
Newspaper Ads Designing, etc.
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop,
Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop,
Creating Presentation,
Brush Pencil,
Introduction & Rectangle Marquee,
Working with Basic Selections,
Getting Started With Layers,
Marquee Layer,
Lasso Magic Wand,
Crop Tool,
Eraser Tool,
Slice Select Tool,
Clone Pattern,
Working with Images,
Resizing & Cropping Images,
Gradient Paint Bucket,
Page Contents,
Photo Retouching,
Introduction to Color Correction,
Dodge Burn Sponge Tool,
Horizontal Vertical Type Tool,
Text Style Pen Tool,
Path Direct Tool,
Custom Shape,
Eye Dropper,Color Sampler,Measure Tool,
New Patch Healing Tool,
Notes Audio,
Creating Special Effects,
Fire On The Text Effect,
Image In Shape,
Scenery Creation,
Scenery Creation Another Example,
Fire On Page,
Overlay Effect,
Light Effect Screen,
Simple Animation,
Rollover On Text,
Complete Pen Tool,
Glow Animation,
Cross Border Effect,
Cd Creation,
Chocolate Effect Screen,
Batch Command,
Conditional Mode Change,
Contact Sheet II,
Create Action,
Create Action Part-2,
Create Droplet,
File Browser,
Fit Image,
Import PDF Image,
Multi Page PDF to PSD,
Picture Package,
Revert Command,
Web Photo Gallery,
Blur Tool And Sharpen Tool,
Create Button Part-1,
Create Button Part-2,
Create Exploding On Text Effect,
Crop Tool,
Horizontal And Vertical Type Mask Tool,
Image In Text,
Patch Tool,
Rectangular Marquee Tool And Elliptical Marquee Tool,
Slice Select Tool And Healing Brush Tool,
Slice Tool,
Smduge Tool,
Zoom, Swap, Mask, Mode,
Painting in Adobe Photoshop,
Using Quick Mask Mode,
Working With the Pen Tool,
Exporting Your Work
Introduction Of Adobe Illustrator,
Exploring The Interface,
Exploring Panels,
Change Interface Color,
Working With Control Panel,
Create New Workspace,
Delete Workspace,
Customize Keyboard Shortcut,
Creating Files For Print,
Creating Files For Web,
Opening Single And Multiple Documents,
Arrange Multiple Documents,
Navigating Within A Document,
Screen Modes,
Changing Units Of Measurement,
Placing Images Into Illustrator,
Lock And Hide Artwork,
Creating Artboard,
Create Artboard Within Opened Document,
Using Prebuilt Templates,
Creating Custom Views,
Edit Views,
Preview And Outline Mode,
Creating Shapes,
Flare Tool,
Creating Line Segment Tool, Arc Tool & Spiral Tool,
Rectangular Grid Tool,
Polor Grid Tool,
Grouping Objects,
Cool Tips,
Eraser Tool,
Using Scissors Tool,
Using Knife Tool,
Working With Fills,
Working With Strokes,
Working With Brush Stroke,
Creating Dashes And Arrowheads,
Applying Gradients To Strokes,
Creating Your Own Pattern Fill,
Applying And Editing Pattern Fills,
Creating Compound Paths,
Creating Compound Paths,
Creating Compound Shapes,
Blob Brush Tool,
Magic Wand Tool,
Lasso Tool,
Creating Point And Area Text,
Adjusting Type Settings,
Basic Text Editing,
Creating Text On A Path,
Rotate Tool And Reflect Tool,
Rotating Objects,
Scale Tool,
Duplicating Objects,
Revert In File Menu,
Selecting Objects By Attribute,
Repeating Transformations,
Aligning And Distributing Objects,
Creating Color Group In Swatch Panel,
Working With Color Libraries,
Using Color Guide Panel,
Create A Swatch Library,
Importing Swatches,
Working With Open And Closed Path,
Working With Pen Tool,
Drawing Curve Lines,
Add Anchor Point Tool And Delete Anchor Point Tool,
Working With Convert Anchor Point Tool,
Width Tool,
Using Width Profile,
Working With Shape Builder Tool,
Using Prebuilt Symbols,
Symbol Sprayer Tool And Symbol Shifter Tool,
Symbol Scruncher Tool And Symbol Sizer Tool,
Symbol Spinner Tool And Symbol Stainer Tool,
Symbol Screener Tool And Symbol Styler Tool,
Breaking The Symbol Link,
Redefine Symbol,
Drawing Modes,
Exploring Appearance Panel,
Add New Fill In Existing Fill,
Applying Multiple Strokes,
Applying Drop Shadow,
Applying Inner Glow Effect,
Applying Scribble,
Create Graphic Styles,
Applying Graphic Styles,
Add Gradient To Swatch Panel,
Using Isolation Mode,
Exploring Graphic Styles Panel,
Saving Graphic Styles,
Import Graphic Styles From Another Document,
Exploring Layers Panel,
Targetting Layers,
Working With Sublayers,
Locking, Hiding And Deleting Layers,
Using Layers Panel Menu,
Using Clipping Mask,
Direct Selection Tool And Group Selection Tool,
Eyedropper Tool,
Using Paint Brush Tool,
Blend Tool,
Pencil Tool, Smooth Tool And Eraser Tool,
Save In PDF,
Distorting Objects,
Free Transform Tool,
Creating 3D Ribbon,
Saving Artwork,
Save As Template,
Save For Web,
Save In Legacy Format,
Print Artwork,
Change Case,
Creating Apples And Saucer,
Round Corners And Feather Effects,
Perspective Grid Tool,
Applying Artwork To Grid,
Warp Effect,
Applying Reflection Effect,
Using Glyphs Panel,
Enter Text In Shape,
Working With Area Type Options,
Using Illustrator File In InDesign,
Creating 3D Objects,
Tilde Key Tricks,
Creating Beveled Star,
Creating 3D Gear,
Live Paint Bucket,
Place Text File In Illustrator,
Creating Interlocked Text,
Threaded Text,
Show Or Hide Text Thread,
Align Text,
Create Rows And Columns In Text,
Creating 3D Letters,
Using Character Panel,
Using Illustrator File In Photoshop,
Type Orientation,
Creating And Editing Gradients,
Resizing Artwork,
Outputting Your Work
Introduction Of Adobe Indesign,
Exploring The Interface,
Creating A Document,
Navigate The Document,
Panel Position,
Create New Workspace,
New Window,
Keyboard Shortcut,
Menu Custiomization,
Quick Apply,
Save Document,
Text Tool,
Frame Tool,
Import File In Frames,
Import Files,
Import Graphics,
Shapes Settings Part,
Shapes Properties,
Line Tool,
Edit Shape Using Pen Tool And Direct Selection Tool,
Text Placeholder And Symbols,
Scissors Tool,
Free Transform Tool And Rotate Tool,
Scale Tool,
Shear Tool,
Working With Feathers,
Eyedropper Tool,
Export In Pdf,
Security In Pdf,
Export In Html And Jpg,
Paste Into,
Duplicating Objects,
Edit In Story Editor,
Find And Replace,
Find And Change Objects Format Options,
Navigate To Pages Using Layout Menu,
Numbering And Section Options,
Working With Tabs,
Character Style,
Paragraph Style,
Change Case,
Type On A Path Tool,
Bullets And Numbering,
Transform Again,
Group,Ungroup And Lock, Unlock All On Spread,
Align Objects & Distribute Spacing,
Text Frame Options,
Threading Text Frames,
Fit Frame,
Corner Options,
Create Table,
Table Selection Techniques,
Cell Options,
Adjust Rows And Columns,
Insert And Delete The Rows And Columns,
Merge And Unmerge, Split Cell Horizontally And Vertically,
Formatting Table,
Import Table,
Place Graphic In Table,
Headers And Footers,
Underline And Strikethrough Options,
No Break Command,
Working With Library,
Working With Pages,
Load Master Pages,
Using Of Master Pages,
Drop Cap,
Paragraph Formatting Controls,
Paragraph Rules,
Stroke Panel,
Stroke Panel,
Working With Tint,
Create New Color Swatch,
Save Swatch And Load Swatch,
Nested Style,
Object Style,
Drop Shadow,
Unnamed Colors,
Create Gradient Swatch,
Working With Gradient Panel,
Load Object Style,
Motion Path Animation,
Page Transitions,
Object State,
Ruler Tips,
Text Wrap,
Page Flip,
Place And Update One Indesign Document To Other,
Colorize Image,
Object Effects,
Working With Buttons,
Finalize And Exporting Job